Conference 2024 News & Events

Second Keynote Speaker at ESAI Conference 2024

ESAI is delighted to announce that Professor Stephen McKinney, School of Education, University of Glasgow, will give the second keynote address at 11am on Friday April 5th.

Stephen McKinney is a professor and the leader of the Research and Teaching group, Creativity, Culture and Faith in the School of Education, University of Glasgow. He has worked in the field of Education at the University of Glasgow for over 25 years. During that period he has taught at all levels: undergraduate, Masters and doctoral levels. He has assumed a number of key leadership roles, has led some Research Associations/networks and has engaged in numerous research projects.

He is the past President of the Scottish Educational Research Association. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Beliefs and Values and Improving Schools and is a past co-editor of the Scottish Educational Review. His research interests include faith schooling, Catholic schooling, and the impact of poverty on school education. Prof McKinney has used a variety of mixed methods and quantitative and qualitative methods in his research including tri-partite measurement, interviews, observation, document analysis and historical analysis. He has authored or co-authored over 170 articles, book chapters, research reports and briefings.




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