1. Symposia
Symposia for the main conference programme occupy 90 minute slots and normally consist of three or four linked individual papers. The symposium should also have a chair and a discussant. Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are being encouraged to organise these in advance so that they reflect the current research questions being addressed in their particular area. Symposia for the conference are encouraged, as the majority of symposia were accepted last year.
If submitting an abstract for a symposium, please include
(i) an overall symposium title,
(ii) a 200 word abstract for the symposium,
(iii) 150 word abstract for each of the papers in the symposium and
(iv) the names, institutional affiliations, biographical details, and email address for each contributor, and finally
(v) the name of the chair and the discussant.
Please see the submission form for more detail, and please do not forget to indicate your technical/other requirements.
2. Innovation Session
ESAI is open to new ways of presenting and demonstrating a non-traditional approach to an academic presentation of research, and will be offering this category of submission to those who wish to try something new. We have listed some suggestions as to format (e.g. panel session, workshop, open session etc) for learning / discussion / sharing research outside of the usual format. We will be asking in what way it is innovative and also how this innovation fits the substantive content of the presentation. The conference programme and venue will obviously impose some parameters but we will try to be as flexible as possible to embrace new ways of doing things. If successful, this will be allocated either a 30 minute slot a 60 or 90 minute session. Please indicate the duration you envisage for the session on the submission form.
Submissions should include:
- Title, author(s) and their affiliation(s), and email address(s)
- Short biography of each author(s)
- 400 word overview of the session
You will have an additional 400 words to addressing the following points:
- Why it is innovative
- How will it work (i.e. panel discussion, workshop, open space, masterclass)
- Why is it not a symposia
- How will the audience be involved
3. Individual Research Papers, Early Career Researcher (ECR) Papers and Posters
Individual Research Papers (single or co-authored) and Early Career Researcher papers (single or co-authored) will be reviewed using the same criteria but with recognition that the early career researcher authors are less experienced researchers. Early Career Researcher papers will be listed in the main conference programme as so. At all times, attempts will be made to thematically classify papers into coherent sessions. Individual Papers will be grouped into coherent session of three papers in a 60 minute slot and four papers in a 90 minute slot. This year, we are hoping to limit the number of papers in each session, so that each presenter has 15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for the discussion after each paper (20 minutes per paper). Please carefully consider if your contribution is a paper or a poster before submission. Last year we had a number of papers that would perhaps have been better suited to a poster presentation. We recommend that doctoral students who are in the initial stages of their research and established researchers whose research is not very conclusive at this stage consider a poster presentation.
Postgraduate students and established researchers engaging in research that is in its initial stages are strongly encouraged to submit a poster. Poster sessions will be held during the morning and afternoon breaks on Friday and Saturday morning. Presenters should indicate their presence for at least one of these three sessions.
Submissions for Individual Research Papers, Early Career Researcher (ECR) Papers each should include:
- Title, author(s) and their affiliation(s)
- 300 word abstract
- The submission should contain a maximum of 300 words (but no less than 200 words) + references and the abstract should contain the following components:
– Title of proposal
– General description on research questions, objectives and theoretical framework Methods/methodology
– Expected outcomes/results
– References - It is not possible to include tables or graphs in the submission form. These may of course appear in the final presentation/poster but should not appear in the abstract.
Submissions for Posters should include the same, and the required format is A1 (594 x841 mm/ 23.3 x33.1 in) portrait (upright). We will ask each of the poster presenters to bring the printed poster with you, and report to the conference reception desk when you arrive on Thursday evening (at NUIG) or Friday morning (at the Raddison). We will then direct you to the exhibition area.
Download Submission Form