IES News & Events

Irish Educational Studies: Co-Editor and Reviews Editor Positions

Irish Educational Studies

The Official journal of the Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI)

1 x Co-Editor and 1 Reviews Editor Positions

The Editorial Board of Irish Educational Studies invites applications for the positions of Co-Editor and Reviews Editor. Irish Educational Studies, the official journal of the Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI,, is an international, refereed journal publishing manuscripts on a range of topics relevant to education by drawing on the full spectrum of disciplines that feed into educational theory and practice; this includes anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, economics, philosophy, politics and curriculum studies.

Due to the journal’s growing impact and visibility, Irish Educational Studies has experienced a substantial increase in the volume of submissions it receives. The new Co-Editor and Reviews Editor will work alongside the current editorial team comprising: Dr Audrey Bryan (DCU), Dr Delma Byrne (Maynooth University), Dr Maura Coulter (DCU), Dr Thomas Delahunty  (Maynooth University), Dr Elaine Keane (University of Galway), Professor Karl Kitching (University of Birmingham), Professor Déirdre Ní Chróinín (Mary Immaculate College) Ireland and Kathryn McCarthy (DCU).

The qualifications necessary for consideration as Co-Editor and Reviews Editor include:

  • Prior involvement in journal publishing as author, reviewer and/or associate editor
  • Established research publication record in indexed peer reviewed journals (with evidence of impact)
  • Ability to dedicate a substantial portion of annual workload to managing journal activities
  • Skills necessary to work with prospective contributors in a supportive yet critical spirit
  • Ability to maintain and strengthen international professional networks of authors and reviewers and in turn enhance the journal’s reputation and impact.
  • Social media skills to promote and share information about the journal are also highly desirable.

The Co-Editor will be responsible for management of peer-review and editorial processes. These processes include determining the composition of the reviewer pool, guiding manuscripts through the review process using a web-based system, overseeing revisions, the initiation and management of special issues, initiating and conducting communication with prospective authors, reviewers, associate editors, ESAI Executive and association members as well as other stakeholders. This initial assignment would be for a 3-year term (with possible further term).

The Reviews Editor will be responsible for contacting publishers to secure books to review, identifying and distributing books to suitable reviewers, and readying reviews prior to final publication. This initial assignment would be for a 3- year term (with possible further term).

Application Instructions

If you are interested in serving as a Co-Editor or Reviews Editor, please email a single pdf attachment containing a copy of your curriculum vitae [max 5 pages] and a letter of interest indicating the position(s) for which you are applying, your qualifications and how your experience meets requirements for the position(s) by 5.00pm on the 04th of October, 2024.

Please send your application to, cc: (General Editor)

All applications should be clearly marked ‘Co-Editor/Reviews Editor’ Application. Please clearly indicate in your application letter if you want your application to be considered for either position. Please direct any queries to Audrey Bryan, General Editor of Irish Educational Studies (



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