News & Events SIGs

FETSIG (Further Education and Training SIG)

The FETSIG (Further Education and Training Special Interest Group) includes members from the HEIFET Forum who will provide the capability and capacity for research in FET settings and research on teaching adults that will be well-positioned to evaluate and inform the implementation of current strategy and its impact.


  • The FETSIG will engage directly with FET stakeholders to create and coordinate a research network and create research momentum.
  • The FET SIG will provide the capability and capacity for research in FET that will be well positioned to evaluate and inform the implementation of current strategy and its impact in FET.
  • The FETSIG will develop a national and international Forum for the development, discussion and dissemination of research across FET settings both formal and informal.

FETSIG activities:

Year One (2023):
  • Host a forum to discuss strategic research objectives and share research initiatives (October 2023).
  • Host two targeted workshops and networking sessions with sector stakeholders (November/December 2023).


Year Two (2024):
  • Host two research workshops to provide information on research-informed practice; and provide guidance and support for emerging research initiatives.
    Host a workshop with an expert panel of researchers with invited guests sharing expertise and insight.


Year Three (2025):
  • Showcase and dissemination of research initiatives from a range of approaches and modes that have been supported by the SIG.




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