Conference 2022 News & Events

ESAI Early Career Researcher (ECR) Award

ECR awardESAI is delighted to announce the launch of the new Early Career Researcher (ECR) award this year.

The ESAI ECR Award celebrates an outstanding conference paper and presentation by an early career researcher presented at the annual ESAI Conference. A presentation certificate will be awarded, and the output will feature in social media channels for the ESAI. The winner will be announced at the close of ESAI Conference 2022.



To be eligible for consideration for the award, applicants must meet all the following criteria:

  • be a member of ESAI
  • be the main contributing author
  • have an abstract accepted for presentation at the conference through the abstract submission process via the ESAI conference website
  • submit a first-authored conference paper (6000-8000 words) for review by the conference awards committee by 31 March  2022
  • be able to participate and present at the conference


The applicant must be an early career researcher.

An early career researcher is someone who is studying for an advanced degree (Masters or PhD) or who has obtained a PhD within the past three years (consideration will be given to those applicants who are outside of this period of time, should they have extenuating circumstances). It could also be someone who is a practising educator with emerging research or policy contributions.

Eligible persons may apply for the Award themselves, or may be nominated by another person (e.g., a colleague or supervisor or referee) with the applicant’s consent.

Assessment criteria

This ECR award honours outstanding emerging scholarship.  Applications will be judged on the basis of the following criteria:

  • Originality
  • Significance and /or scholarly relevance to educational studies and debates
  • Conceptual, theoretical and/or methodological contribution
  • Coherent and persuasive argument
  • Methodical organisation and clarity of written expression
  • Effective positioning within the current literature
  • Effective oral dissemination of paper

Selection process

Applications will be assessed by the Awards Panel which will be convened each year by the ESAI conference committee. The decision of the award’s panel is final.  The panel will not be in a position to provide individual feedback on submissions.

Application guidelines 

Applicants should email a 6000-8000 word paper by the 31st March 2022 to, noting ‘ESAI ECR Award’ in the subject line.



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