The keynote speaker for ESAI Conference 2019 is Prof. Kathy Hall.

Prof. Kathy Hall
Kathy Hall is Professor of Education at University College Cork. Co-authored books, Networks of Mind: Learning, Culture and Neuroscience (Routledge, 2014) and Research Methods for Pedagogy (Bloomsbury, 2016) reflect her research interests while the recently published, Teaching Council-funded study on School Placement in Initial Teacher Education (2018) points to her interest in professional learning and teacher education. She is currently co-chair of the Standing Conference on Teacher Education, North and South (SCoTENS). She has a long standing interest in assessment and curriculum and her co-authored book with colleagues, Alicia Curtin, Kevin Cahill, Dan O’Sullivan and Kamil Özerk, on assessment will be published by Routledge in 2019. She is leader of the cohort PhD in Education in UCC.
Keynote Address: ‘International Aspects of Assessment and Accountability’
How do matters of assessment and accountability function to promote kinds of learners and teachers? The intention of this presentation is to allow a perspective on developments in Ireland by offering a critical, comparative analysis of assessment and accountability in other places, near and far from home.