Please choose your registration type from the menu below. Please note that each registration type also has an option for the Conference Dinner (4 courses) on Friday evening in Radison Blu hotel. If you wish to attend the dinner, please be sure to choose the correct ticket type (these tickets have an additional blue text that states ‘plus Conference Dinner’).
All tickets include lunch on Friday.
Please be aware that all presenters must register as members of ESAI or already hold current membership for 2016. For information on corporate membership, please see our membership page. Please note that ESAI will transfer all membership details to a new, more secure, web-based system during 2016.
Please note the following important dates:
- Early Bird Registration prices close on Sunday 6th March at midnight.
- Any delegate that wishes to avail of the conference rate for accommodation at the Raddison Blu hotel should book by 3rd March in order to avail of this rate. Please see this page for further details.
- All attendees should be registered by 18th March.
If you have any queries about registration, or experience any difficulties, please email