Membership is available on an individual, associate, corporate or institutional basis. The ESAI welcomes new members. Membership runs for 12 months from the date of registration/renewal.
Individual membership is open to all those with a research interest in education, whether they work in universities, in colleges, in schools, in managerial bodies, in administrative or policy-making positions, or as unwaged persons.
Student membership & Membership for those not in full-time employment is available to students who are currently registered on an undergraduate or postgraduate programme, and who have a valid student card at the time of registration. And it is also available to those not in full-time employment.
Corporate membership is available to Higher Education Institutes, Education Organisations, NGO, Charity and Public Sector bodies. Please visit the Corporate membership page for further detail.
Lifetime Achievement Award Winners are entitled to honorary membership and will be invited to attend the annual conference as guests of the Association.
Benefits of individual membership:
(a) Members are entitled to register to attend and present at the Annual Conference. Only members with up-to-date membership can present at the annual conference.
(b) Members receive hardcopy or softcopy issues of Irish Educational Studies (IES), the ESAI’s associated journal during the period of membership
(c) ESAI is a member of the European Educational Research Association (EERA) – therefore ESAI members are entitled to a discount on the registration fee for the annual European Conference on Educational Research (ECER)
(d) ESAI members are entitled to a 20% discount on the purchase of Routledge publications.
(e) Only registered members are entitled to vote at the ESAI AGM, and put themselves forward for election to executive roles within the Association.