News & Events

News: SERA Conference 2020 Online Events


SERA Conference 2020 Online Events:

To mark the 2020 conference SERA has organised three online events on Monday 16th, Wednesday 18th and Thursday 19th November 2020. The theme for the week of events is: Education and Educational Research – past, present and future.

Monday 16th November 4pm – 5:30pm
Scottish Education and Educational Research – past, present and future.

    1. Panel Provocations:
        • Past – Professor Pamela Munn (Emeritus Professor University of Edinburgh
        • Present – Dr Ben Williamson (University of Edinburgh)
        • Future – Isabelle Boyd CBE (Cor ad Cor)
    2. Breakout Room Discussion
    3. Plenary discussion with panel question and answer

 Wednesday 18th November 4pm – 5:30pm
SERA international links Education and Educational Research – past, present and future.

    1. Panel Provocations:
      • British Educational Research Association (BERA)
      • Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA)
      • Education Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI)
    2. Breakout Room Discussion
    3. Plenary discussion with panel question and answer

Thursday 19th November 4pm – 5:30pm

    1. Launch – SERA Starting Points for Educational Research in Scotland
    2. Presentation of Estelle Brisard Award
    3. SERA Annual General Meeting

Please follow the Eventbrite links to register for the events.

You will find more information about the speakers on the SERA website:

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