IES News & Events

Applications invited for General Editor / Joint General Editors for Irish Educational Studies

ESAI Journal

The Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI, invites applications for the position of General Editor of Irish Educational Studies (IES), the official journal of ESAI. Applications for Joint General Editorship (a team of 2 Joint General Editors) are also welcome.

Published internationally by Taylor & Francis/Routledge, Irish Educational Studies focuses on a range of topics relevant to education and draws on the full spectrum of disciplines and methodological approaches that inform educational research, including anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, economics, philosophy, technology, politics and curriculum studies.

The journal is ranked in the Thompson Reuters Social Science Citation Index (SSCI)™, and its international profile continues to grow with a current Impact Factor of 1.576. Further details on the journal are available at the homepage on the Routledge/Taylor & Francis website at

Applicants for General Editor or Joint General Editors will have a high standing in the educational research community in Ireland and internationally. The successful candidate(s) will be scholar(s) of vision who will be responsible for moving the editorial policy of the journal forward, as well as for undertaking the traditional duties of General Editor in collaboration with the team of co-editors, and members of the editorial board and associate editors.

The new General Editor(s) will lead the editorial team comprising co-editors and a reviews editor.

The qualifications necessary for consideration as General Editor include:

  • Prior involvement in publishing as an editor or co-editor for at least 1 year;
  • Established research publication record in indexed peer-reviewed journals (with evidence of impact);
  • Ability to dedicate a substantial portion of annual workload to managing journal activities;
  • Skills necessary to lead and work with the editorial team comprising co-editors and a reviews editor;
  • Skills necessary to lead and work with prospective contributors in a supportive yet critical spirit;
  • Ability to maintain and strengthen international professional networks of authors and reviewers and in turn enhance the journal’s reputation and impact.

The General Editor(s) will be responsible for overall management of the journal’s peer-review and editorial processes. These processes include determining the composition of the reviewer pool; guiding manuscripts through the review process using a web-based system; over-seeing revisions; and the initiation and management of special issues; as well as instigating and conducting communication with prospective authors, reviewers, associate editors, ESAI Executive and association members, the journal publishers, and other stakeholders.

The appointment is for a 3-year term (with possible further term).

If you are interested in serving as General Editor, please email the following:

(i) a copy of your curriculum vitae [max 5 pages];

(ii) a letter of interest indicating how your qualifications and experience meet the requirements for the position;

(iii) a one-page vision statement outlining how you would work to maintain and enhance the national and international profile of the journal.

Applications for Joint General Editorship must be submitted as one application and should include (i) and (ii) above for each of the two applicants, with a combined (iii) vision statement. Joint General Editorship applications should also include proposals for the administration arrangements to be put in place.

Queries may be addressed to Professor Tony Hall

Applications must be submitted by email to noting “General Editor Application 2023” in the subject line and must arrive no later than the extended deadline of 5pm on Friday 28th April 2023

It is envisaged that the selection process will be completed by Autumn 2023 and this will be followed by a short period of transition. The appointment will be formally ratified by the Executive Committee of the Educational Studies Association of Ireland in September 2023, and the term of appointment will commence thereafter.

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