Conference 2025 News & Events

ESAI Conference 2025: Call for Proposals

ESAI Conference 2025 Logo

Building bridges and making connections: education for hope and transformation

                      | 10- 12 April 2025  |   Sheraton Hotel, Athlone, Ireland

In an era marked by division, polarisation, and erosion of trust, our world faces unprecedented challenges. Environmental destruction, social unrest, and systemic inequalities have strained the fabric of our shared humanity. Education, once a beacon of hope, now grapples with its role in a fragmented society where competitive individualism often overshadows collective well-being. The siloing of knowledge and the marginalisation of diverse voices have led to a crisis of truth and justice in both academic and public spheres. Furthermore, the proliferation of dis/misinformation has undermined public trust in institutions and expertise, highlighting the critical importance of scientific knowledge and research-informed approaches to address global challenges, including in education.

In response, the Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) reaffirms its commitment to the principles of democracy, equality, and care that form the bedrock of public education. ESAI Conference 2025 calls for a reimagining of knowledge creation through connection, re-connection, and bridge-building. We invite educators, researchers, and practitioners to examine the transformative potential of education in fostering a more just, inclusive, and harmonious world from early childhood, embracing all forms of education, through to further and higher education, drawing on a diverse spectrum of methodological approaches.

Our conference seeks to explore and nurture the relationships that can emerge when we break down barriers:

  • Between researchers and practitioners in diverse settings
  • Across theory and practice, teaching and learning, the conceptual and the applied, thinking and acting
  • Among academics, practitioners, policymakers, and communities
  • Between the vulnerable and the empowered, the marginalised and the mainstream
  • Connecting our past wisdom with present challenges to shape a better future

We envision ESAI Conference 2025 as a transformative ‘learning conference’ – an event which fosters active dialogue alongside engaged listening (Zuber-Skerritt 2017). It will be a dynamic forum where critical reflection and innovative collaborations across the educational spectrum will be generated. By addressing the pressing issues of division and polarization, we aim to rebuild trust in educational institutions and research. Together, we’ll explore groundbreaking approaches to inclusion, justice, and knowledge creation, rekindling our shared humanity and solidarity. Join us in this collective endeavour to work towards a more connected, equitable, and enlightened future for education and society at large. We will re-awaken our solidarity with one another as we actively work with hope for better educational futures for all.

Zuber-Skerritt, O., ed, (2017). Conferences as Sites of Learning and Development: Using Participatory Action Learning and Action Research Approaches. London: Routledge.

Format and Special Features

ESAI Conference 2025 will be an in-person event. As well as showcasing papers and symposia from education scholars, the conference will feature:

  • Keynote addresses and panel discussions by renowned experts in education (speakers to be announced)
  • Interactive roundtable discussions
  • Performance and Arts-based sessions
  • Poster sessions showcasing innovative research and practices
  • A showcase of the innovative work of the Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
  • Networking opportunities for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers
  • A dedicated early career researcher (ECR) strand

Call for Proposals

All abstracts should be submitted via our online conference management system. There is no need to register for the conference at this stage, you are only required to create a ConfTool account to submit an abstract for consideration.

The abstract submission system will close on Sunday 10th November 2024. Please note information about (1) Structure of Abstracts, (2) Presentation Formats, and (3) Abstract Review, when preparing your abstract and (4) Conference Tracks. Lead authors are limited to two submissions each.

(1) Structure of Abstracts

Abstracts should make reference to:

  1. background/context
  2. research aim/objectives/purpose
  3. methods and data sources, or equivalent for theoretical/conceptual papers
  4. key findings/conclusions
  5. significance or potential contribution of the research

Abstracts must be between 300 and 400 words in length not including references or diagrams (with a maximum of 3 supporting references).

(2) Presentation Formats

(Each author should select their preferred presentation format when submitting.)

  • Paper: Individual papers will be timed for 20 minutes: 15 minutes presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A. Suitable papers, depending on review outcome, may be selected for Roundtable Discussions, Poster Sessions, Rapid Thesis sessions which would allow for maximum interaction among those in attendance.
  • Poster Presentations: a presentation time will be scheduled in the conference programme and posters will be exhibited during the conference. Final poster versions should be A0 (118.9 cm x 84.1 cm) in landscape orientation.
  • Symposium: Symposia will typically contain 3 papers based around a central theme and will usually be timed for 60 minutes. This should include at least 10 minutes for discussion after the papers have been presented. A symposium is suitable for presentations on shared research projects, where multiple authors wish to present on their aspect of the project.
    Some submissions may be selected for Round Table sessions depending on suitability and review outcomes.
    To submit a symposium proposal, please use the form below to enter the symposium title, all author details, and the abstract for the overall symposium, then upload the Symposium Proposal form (which can be downloaded at this link) to provide the remaining details about the submission. The convenor of the symposium will be responsible for chairing the session.
  • Round Table session: Round Table sessions will group 3- 5 papers together on a specific theme. They will offer an opportunity for interaction and dialogue on a specific theme(s) around a table. You may propose an entire round table session and identify the key papers to be discussed with co-authors listed. Or propose an individual abstract to be considered as part of a round table discussion as relevant to theme. Because the focus is on interaction, the presentation should be short and should ignite dialogue with attendees. No data projection will be used for these sessions. Presenters may share links or QR codes to their papers and/or provide a handout. A chair will be selected to guide the discussion and dialogue.
  • Performance/Arts-based sessions: Performances will be scheduled for 30 minutes and will draw on formats such as poetry, music, visual arts, drama, dance etc. Dialogue and interaction with participants should be included in the performance/presentation. (Information about the space required and the number of participants should be provided)
  • Rapid Theses sessions: These sessions are intended for current research students or those who have recently completed a degree at undergraduate, masters or doctoral level. Presentations (with or without slides) should last no more than three minutes.
  • Early Career Researcher:ECR papers will be timed for 15 minutes: 10 minutes presentation plus 5 minutes feedback plus a brief open discussion at the end of the session. The ECR strand is intended for current research students or those who have recently completed a research degree. An early career researcher is defined as someone who is studying for an advanced degree (Masters or PhD) or who has obtained a PhD within the past five years or someone who is a practising educator with emerging research or policy contributions.

(3) Abstract Review

All abstracts will be blind-reviewed (reviewers of abstracts will not see the identity of the author(s), and the author(s) will not see the identity of reviewers).

Abstracts will be reviewed with reference to (a) adherence to the format of submissions (b) adherence to word count (c) connection to the conference theme and (d) recognition of first author limits. Evaluations will also be based on the originality of the submission; the rigour of the research; the relevance and appropriateness of findings and conclusions; the implications of the research; the clarity and organisation of the abstract and its contribution to knowledge.

(4) Selecting a conference track

While submitting a proposal, authors should select one conference track and up to two themes within that track, from the list below.

Conference Tracks Themes
Curriculum, Pedagogy, and Assessment
  • Learning and teaching
  • Curriculum
  • Subject-specific education
  • Digital technologies in education
  • Literacy and language
  • Arts and intercultural education
  • Assessment
Early Years Education
  • Child development and learning
  • Early childhood pedagogy
  • Family and community involvement
  • Technology and digital learning
  • Special educational needs
Educational Leadership and Policy
  • Educational policy
  • Leadership
  • Key stakeholder voices
  • Evidence/ research/ data and education
  • Educational effectiveness and improvement
Educational Research and Methodologies



  • Educational historical research
  • Creative research methodologies
  • Digital education and technology
  • Arts-based educational research
Educational Theory, Learning Paradigms and Innovative Pedagogies


  • Theoretical perspectives
  • Philosophy of education
  • Conceptual approaches
  • Creativity in education
Equity, Diversity, and Social Justice



  • Diversity in education
  • Belonging Educational disadvantage
  • DEIS (Delivering Equality of Opportunity in Schools)
  • Race and ethnicity in education
  • Social justice
Global Citizenship, Sustainability and Climate Education
  • Global citizenship
  • Democracy
  • Sustainability
  • Education for environmental sustainability
Inclusive Education and Special Educational Needs


  • UDL (Universal Design for Learning)
  • Autism
  • Neurodiversity
  • Special educational needs
Lifelong and Post-Compulsory Education
  • Higher education
  • Education for lifelong learning
  • Further education and training (FET)
  • Post-compulsory education
  • Youth studies and informal education
Teacher Education and Professional Development



  • Teacher education
  • Collaboration and professional learning
  • Practitioner research
  • Continuing professional development
  • Teachers’ careers
Wellbeing, Social and Emotional Learning, and Mental Health
  • Bullying/well-being
  • Relationships
  • Identity
  • Mental health in education

Points to note

  • A standard AV package will be provided in all session rooms (except for posters and roundtable sessions) to include LCD projector and screen.
  • The standard room set up for the conference is theatre style (chairs only) except for posters and roundtable sessions.
  • Presenters need to bring their own laptop to connect to the LCD projector.
  • Queries may be sent to

(5) Closing Date for Submissions

The closing date for submissions is 10 November 2024 at midnight. No submissions will be accepted after this date.

(6) Registration

Registration for the ESAI Conference 2025 will open in November.




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