This special issue constitutes an encouraging invitation to the Irish and international research community, to showcase some of the outstanding work produced by Early Career Researchers (Doctoral to 5 years, post-conferral) in the field of Education.
Irish Educational Studies (IES) is a generalist educational journal, founded in 1981 with the vision of publishing research from all disciplinary specialisms within education. This issue invites research from across the broad continuum of educational research. This special issue of IES, a first for the journal in the area of ECR, will help to champion new voices for the future of education in Ireland, and internationally.
For the purpose of theming the edition, preference will be given to papers which make an impactful contribution as change makers to educational practice, policy and, or theory. Papers from a range of allied and cognate disciplines with outcomes related to education, as it is broadly understood, are also welcomed.
This open call invites different types of ECR contributions across educational fields of teaching and learning in pre-school, primary, post-primary, post-secondary, formal and informal learning spaces on topics including (but not limited to these). It also welcomes papers from allied fields providing they address the overarching theme of the special issue.
The IES journal and associated academic organisation ESAI, Educational Studies Association of Ireland, have a remit to support and promote ECRs. To this end, we are publishing this special issue of IES: to champion and highlight the excellent research which is produced by ECRs as future advocates of our profession.
Initial enquiries can be made to Dr Aideen Hunter or Professor Tony Hall
Link to submission site:
Irish Educational Studies: New Voices: Emerging Change Makers in Education